Bowler Profile 

Andrea Caudillo
Career High Game:196MVBs:   1
Fall 2009 Season
Career High Series:   524#1 Power Rankings:   1
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   1
Debut:Fall 2008
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Andrea was a member of the 9th place team Chicks With Balls.

This season she has been the Most Valuable Bowler 0 times and earned 1 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

her latest scores put her in the # position for the week. Overall, she is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Fall 2009

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 WWJB 23&24 137 124 113 374 556 124
Week 2 BILFs 21&22 182 159 183 524 706 149
Week 3 Ebowla 27&28 147 150 131 428 550 147
Week 4 Quick Release 25&26 144 158 196 498 625 152
Week 5 Sweep The Leg, Johnny 21&22 134 118 126 378 493 146
Week 6 BOWLSH!T 25&26 146 136 111 393 522 144
Week 7 Split Happens 19&20 113 163 189 465 599 145
Week 8 Rollin' J's 23&24 125 128 153 406 538 144
Week 9 No Pinheads 27&28 (144) (144) (144) 432 566 144
Week 10 Split Happens 27&28 185 157 122 464 598 145
Week 11 WWJB 25&26 131 141 141 413 545 144
Week 12 BILFs 19&20 (144) (144) (144) 432 566 144
Week 13 Ebowla 21&22 106 181 127 414 548 144
Week 14 Quick Release 27&28 145 163 167 475 609 145
Week 15 Sweep The Leg, Johnny 19&20 136 108 134 378 510 143
Week 16 Split Happens 27&28 (143) (143) (143) 429 565 143
TOTALS 2262 2317 2324 6903 9096 143

Andrea Caudillo made her league debut in the Fall 2008 season.

Having rolled 174 games over the course of 4 seasons in her GutterAlley career, Caudillo carries a lifetime average of 138.

To date, Andrea's highest game shot in league was a 196 bowled in Game #3 during Week #4 of the Fall 2009 session and her highest series in league was the 524 she rolled in Week #2 during the Fall 2009 season.

She has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 1 time(s) and the runner-up 5 time(s).

Andrea has bowled for:
  -Spring 2010: Lil' Devils   (Avg: 138)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2009: Chicks With Balls   (Avg: 143)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2009: Chicks With Balls   (Avg: 134)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2008: Spare The Rod, Split The Kitty   (Avg: 139)   (My profile for this team)


Andrea has unlocked the following Fall 2009 achievements...

Your current position in the league standings.
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Andrea has been mentioned:
Andrea is currently featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...

In addition, teams of which Andrea was a member are featured on 1 Top 25 list:

The good...

Andrea's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Andrea's Career Averages (All):

Andrea's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 1 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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