Bowler Profile 

Rich DeYoung
Career High Game:247MVBs:   2
Fall 2006 Season
Career High Series:   659#1 Power Rankings:   2
Titles Won:1#1 Head-to-Head:   5
Debut:Fall 2004
ToC Champ:0 (2 2nd)
Rich was a member of the 3rd place team Hez-Bowl-lah.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 0 times and earned 1 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 1 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Fall 2006

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 All Belts Are Off 13&14 136 159 176 471 574 157
Week 2 Manute Bowl 15&16 167 180 157 504 607 162
Week 3 Guttersluts 21&22 169 150 135 454 545 158
Week 4 Frickin' Ten Pins 17&18 162 144 193 499 599 160
Week 5 Bowlkake2 19&20 (160) (160) (160) 480 576 160
Week 6 (Absent)              
Week 7 Split Happens 21&22 178 187 134 499 595 161
Week 8 I Can't Believe It's Not... 15&16 161 158 168 487 580 161
Week 9 TBD 23&24 214 214 206 634 727 168
Week 10 All Belts Are Off 17&18 136 147 173 456 532 166
Week 11 All Belts Are Off 15&16 173 140 190 503 584 166
Week 12 Manute Bowl 19&20 (166) (166) (166) 498 579 166
Week 13 Guttersluts 23&24 194 176 160 530 611 167
Week 14 Frickin' Ten Pins 15&16 156 148 187 491 570 167
Week 15 Bowlkake2 21&22 187 167 181 535 614 168
Week 16 Bowlkake2 15&16 192 193 152 537 613 169
TOTALS 2551 2489 2538 7578 8906 169

Rich DeYoung made his league debut in the Fall 2004 season.

Having rolled 225 games over the course of 6 seasons in his GutterAlley career, DeYoung carries a lifetime average of 169.

To date, Rich's highest game shot in league was a 247 bowled in Game #1 during Week #14 of the Spring 2006 session and his highest series in league was the 659 he rolled in Week #14 during the Spring 2006 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 2 time(s) and the runner-up 7 time(s).

Rich has bowled for:
  -Spring 2009: XXX   (Avg: 168)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2007: X9XX   (Avg: N/A)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2006: Hez-Bowl-lah   (Avg: 169)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2006: I'm Gonna Belt Ya, Sucka!   (Avg: 174)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2005: Derka, Derka   (Avg: 170)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2005: Nellielocks and the 3 Spares   (Avg: 166)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2004: Ashley Razabacks   (Avg: 163)   (My profile for this team)


Rich has unlocked the following Fall 2006 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Named the #1 Power Ranked Bowler of any week. Your current position in the league standings.
Rolled the High Series Handicap at least one week.
Victory! Your team swept another team. Defeated a team scratch, no handicap necessary!
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Beat Don Glasscock's Fall 2007 scores! Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
Your name appears on a Top 25 list!
You swept the last place team... assholes! Huge incremental drops in-between game scores! Shot well over your average! Increments of 25.
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Rich has been mentioned:
Rich is currently featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...

In addition, teams of which Rich was a member are featured on 4 Top 25 lists:

The good...

Rich's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Rich's Career Averages (All):

Rich's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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