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The 11th Frame – Week 11, Spring 2013

Posted by Ken April 12, 2013 Spring 2013

The eleventh installment of "The 11th Frame" features some interesting nuggets from our Top 25s collection, covering the accolades (and disappointments) of our current and not so-current league rollers.As mentioned already in this week's write-up – three teams are now atop the league standings with a season best 27-17 record, no one qualified for Most Valuable Bowler, and Cliff Barendsen threw his highest series to date to earn #1 Power Ranked Bowler honors. Wondering what else happened that you probably didn't know about? Check this out:INDIVIDUALS:

Anita is a winner
Anita Osthoff She did it! As we first reported a little while ago, Anita Osthoff was closing in on her 100th recorded win as a member of our league. And, last week, with her team's total pins victory, she debuted on the Top 25 Bowlers Quickest to 100 Wins at #3, pushing Hall of Fame nominee Cory Chorpenning down to 4th. Nice debut, Anita!
Another strong debut from Kody

Kody Karnes
Not since the rookie season of Don Glasscock have we seen anyone come into the league and light it up with such a powerful all-around performance...but the Spring 2013 season will definitely go down in history as the debut of Kody Karnes. Now that 11 weeks have passed in our league, the Top 25 Bowlers of All Time list has updated and with it comes Kody's debut spot. Currently ranked as the 6th best bowler in league history, Kody joins five others who are on the list with 200+ averages. While the list is not official until after the Finals, it's safe to say that Kody has truly left his mark forever.
No one is over the Cliff

Cliff Barendsen
Cliff Barendsen came into the league last season and tested the waters. About halfway through, something about the game clicked and he began to throw big games...a trend that he has continued ever since. With 11 weeks under our belts, many seasonal Top 25 lists have updated and with it came Cliff's debut at the #1 spot on the Top 25 Bowlers Who Improved the Most In-Between Seasons list. Having increased his average an incredible 31 pins since we ended the Fall season in December, Barendsen can end this season with the biggest improvement this league has ever witnessed. Keep raising that average, Cliff!
Aubrey's sweet 16th

Aubrey Moren
With his 602 series on Tuesday night, Aubrey Moren walked off the lanes and packed up his things. What he probably didn't realize is that with that 600+ series – the 16th of his career – he officially broke into the top ten on the Bowlers with the Most 600+ Series in league history. Inching out powerhouse Duncan Ferber, Moren joins a storied lot of heavy hitters that have averaged 200+ on a single night a multitude of times. Welcome to the club, Aubrey!
Getting better all the time

Sarah West
Now we've shared a lot of talk about how much of an historical run this season has been and it being our best in the league's 13+ year history. This is true – as a whole, it's the best. Looking at the parts, though, reveals an even cooler story: twelve veterans are currently in the midst of their best seasons ever. They include Sarah West, Anita Osthoff, Shane Daniel, Mark DeVoe, Cliff Barendsen, Dennis Blake, Andy McLeod, Phil Schroeder, Ian Goetz, Bill Krejci, Ryan Doll, and Ken M. Wilson. Nice work, gang!


A new most common score
For several years now, the score of 158 has been the most commonly thrown score in our league's history – a surprising 388 times. However, with Anita Osthoff and Jonathan Vigliaturo both ending their night with a 159 in Game #3 we have a new most common score...barely. This gives us a whole new view of a Top 25 that hasn't changed in quite some time. We now present the Top 25 Bowlers with the Most Commonly Thrown Game only to find that the king of 159 – Dennis "Pops" Laube – has ousted the previous record holders on the list with 158, Phil Schroeder and Freda Schroeder. Freda and Phil trail Pops by a single game. Is the race on?

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  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

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  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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