Bowler Profile 

Pat Hamell
Career High Game:202MVBs:   4
Spring 2018 Season
Career High Series:   447#1 Power Rankings:   4
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   1
Debut:Spring 2017
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Pat was captain of the 6th place team PBR Me, ASAP.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 1 time and earned 0 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Spring 2018

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 HOF Sandwich 5&6 101 129 147 377 557 125
Week 2 Splitbowl Countries 7&8 85 79 145 309 489 114
Week 3 Mary Janes Last Frame 3&4 134 114 151 399 605 120
Week 4 Sit Down, Be Humbowl 9&10 107 146 122 375 567 121
Week 5 Three Strikes and a... 5&6 109 139 87 335 524 119
Week 6 (Absent)              
Week 7 (Absent)              
Week 8 Holy Sandbaggers,... 7&8 146 125 135 406 600 122
Week 9 (Absent)              
Week 10 Splitbowl Countries 3&4 118 108 148 374 561 122
Week 11 Mary Janes Last Frame 9&10 85 95 202 382 569 123
Week 12 Sit Down, Be Humbowl 5&6 154 125 127 406 590 124
Week 13 Three Strikes and a... 7&8 109 122 111 342 524 123
Week 14 WITNESS!!! 3&4 122 112 157 391 575 124
Week 15 Holy Sandbaggers,... 13&14 109 118 126 353 535 123
Week 16 Holy Sandbaggers,... 7&8 85 113 146 344 528 122
TOTALS 1464 1525 1804 4793 7224 122

Pat Hamell made his league debut in the Spring 2017 season.

Having rolled 222 games over the course of 5 seasons in his GutterAlley career, Hamell carries a lifetime average of 122.

To date, Pat's highest game shot in league was a 202 bowled in Game #3 during Week #11 of the Spring 2018 session and his highest series in league was the 447 he rolled in Week #10 during the Spring 2017 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 4 time(s) and the runner-up 1 time(s).

Pat has bowled for:
  -Fall 2022: I Can't Believe It's Not Gutter   (Avg: 116)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2019: JoAnne's Dirty PJs   (Avg: 124)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2018: Bowling For Beers   (Avg: 117)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2018: PBR Me, ASAP   (Avg: 122)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2017: DB's Rusty Nuts   (Avg: 122)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2017: Trump's Toupee   (Avg: 129)   (My profile for this team)


Pat has unlocked the following Spring 2018 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Named the Most Valuable Bowler of any week. Your current position in the league standings.
Victory! Your team swept another team. Losers! Your team was swept. Defeated a team scratch, no handicap necessary!
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Beat Don Glasscock's Fall 2007 scores! Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
Huge incremental drops in-between game scores! Shot well over your average! Increments of 25. Bowled below your average all 3 games in a single week.
You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Pat has been mentioned:
  • All That's Left Is the Prizes... (Dec 6th, 2022) - The Fall 2022 season draws to a close, with Baby Beardo officially earning this season's championship title! But we aren't quite finished yet -- next week we will meet at our usual time to name all the award winners and hand out prize money as we feast on fried chicken, followed by 9-pin-tap fun night. The final week saw the 4th & 5th place teams swap places. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (127) and series (353) for the women. As for the men, Scott Murdock (?!) snagged this week's high game with a 233, and high series was earned by Dennis Walling with a 616. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Baby Beardo Crawling Away (Nov 15th, 2022) - Only three weeks of games-that-count bowling remain, and while it's still not a mathematically insurmountable league, Baby Beardo appears to be crawling toward a championship. Meanwhile, one bowler set a new personal best series. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (128) and series (380) for the women. As for the men, Carl Goetz and Kent Harms both tied for this week's high game with a 234, and high series was earned by Kent Harms with a 637. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Clinched! (Apr 23rd, 2019) - Originally I was going to leave this week's as a robo-writeup due to me having another busy week, but then CICK Ass screwed that up for me by accomplishing something I had failed to notice they could do this week: they clinched the championship two weeks early! This makes the first championship for Chantal Jacot, 6 for Ian Goetz, a staggering 13 for Carl "Tits" Goetz, and an even more staggering 14 for Ken M. Wilson (sheesh!). Congratulations to all four of you!

  • Historic League Records Go Up In Smoke (Apr 16th, 2019) - The unlucky thirteenth week of Spring 2019 featured the rise of the Antichrist, who entered our world specifically to shatter a whole slew of league records. It also saw one team climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Two bowlers set a new personal best series, and two rolled new personal high games. Alison Radke picked up this week's high game (170) and series (424) for the women, while Satan himself AJ Hofmann earned this week's high game (279) and series (672) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Week 6 RoboRecap (Feb 26th, 2019) - The sixth week of Spring 2019 saw five teams climb in the standings, while five teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Freda Schroeder landed this week's high game for the women with a 179, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 447. As for the men, Matthew Taylor earned this week's high game (279) and series (747). Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Better Late Than Never! (Feb 19th, 2019) - This week a record three teams post-bowled due to illness and weather. But not, finally, all the scores are in. The fifth week of Spring 2019 saw four teams climb in the standings, while four teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (188) and series (523) for the women, while Ian Goetz earned this week's high game (243) and series (593) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Fall 2018 Recap (Dec 13th, 2018) -

  • Shifting Positions (Oct 24th, 2018) - The Fall 2018 position round is now history, and we now have a new league leader that has pulled ahead of the pack. The tenth week saw two teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Two bowlers set a new personal best series. Freda Schroeder landed this week's high game for the women with a 190, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 480. As for the men, Dennis Walling earned this week's high game (224) and series (598). Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Hitting A Wall (Oct 9th, 2018) - We are now halfway through the Fall 2018 season, and the league seems to have hit a brick wall. Other than a tit-for-tat between BDE and We Don't Give A Split, no teams were able to budge in the standings with just a week to go before Position Round.

  • The ToC Takes Off (Sep 11th, 2018) - The fourth week of Fall 2018 saw three teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (168) and series (479) for the women, while Aaron Barber earned this week's high game (203) and series (586) for the men. Meanwhile, the Tournament of Champions also kicked off tonight, beginning of 13 weeks of one-on-one bowling excitement! Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Smokin' The Competition (Apr 17th, 2018) - Until last week, Mary Janes Last Frame had been suffering. They hadn't had a winning week since February 13, so it was good to see their fortunes finally turn last week. However, more noteworthy, MJ is also the only team that is consistently tripping up Witness!!!. Their 7-1 record against Witness (the only team with a winning record against the first-place team) makes one wonder how the championship might turn out if Mary Jane can rally enough in these next three weeks to reach second place in time. Dreaming aside, let's now look at things that and more grounded in reality. For instance, this wee Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (181) and series (488) for the women, while Russell Bingham earned this week's high game (264) and series (645) for the men. Ben Spencer rolled a new personal best series. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Trading Places (Apr 10th, 2018) - The eleventh week of Spring 2018 saw one team climb in the standings, while one team slipped. One bowler roll a new personal best game. Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (191) and series (556) for the women, while Aubrey Moren earned this week's high game (248) and series (672) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • It's Springtime! Why are we inside? (Mar 20th, 2018) - Upon closer observation of the actual lane oil patterns (left), it has been determined that only house balls will be allowed for the remainder of the season. In other news, a renowned scientist was brought in to study Mary Janes Last Frame's current slump, a birthday announcement was missed by Scoot, and the computer overlords have changed the outcome of a series. To find out more, read on!

  • Cash Stash Lashes First With Panache (Sep 19th, 2017) - Being Lamewads, we here at Gutteralley can't claim to know what "Mustache Cash Stash" means or what the Google Image Search images that we found mean. But we do know enough to know that MCS = this week's first-place flavor-of-the-week.

  • Get Your Bowling Shoes On! (Aug 13th, 2017) -

  • Gearing Up for the Position Round (Mar 7th, 2017) - The season is already nearly halfway over, and as we move into next week's position round the only shakeup in the standings is the surprise result of Frankee's Uncles no longer rolling on lanes 1-2 next week.

  • Fat Tuesday? Nah, It's Just a Beer Belly. (Feb 28th, 2017) - Tonight we had several bowlers off celebrating Mardis Gras, and for a while it seemed some of the lanes might take the night off as well. Luckily everything came together and we finished our games with little debauchery, no arrests, and no one getting run over.

  • Bowl To The Future (Feb 22nd, 2017) - Okay, get ready for this, our league has just undergone time travel and split off into an alternate reality. Last night while working up the scoresheets, things just weren't adding up no matter what Scoot tried. After a great deal of frustrating recap sheet auditing, it finally came to our attention that a blind series we had recorded for Michael Gordon back in Week 3 had actually been pre-bowled and we never got the scores for it. So, moments ago, week 3's scores were re-entered, and all affected matchups since then have been re-calculated. The result is a history of the past 3 weeks considerably different from the one we have already experienced. In this new timeline, Ebowla experienced a week as the first-place team, and Frankee's Uncles are now enjoying their second week in first place.

  • Our Gutters ♥ Your Balls (Feb 14th, 2017) - While many bowlers were either absent or pre-bowled, most of the league knew what their true love is and spend Valentine's evening chucking balls down the lane.

  • Inaugurating the Spring Season (Jan 21st, 2017) -

Pat is currently featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...

In addition, teams of which Pat was a member are featured on 1 Top 25 list:

The good...

Pat's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Pat's Career Averages (All):

Pat's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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Carly gutters.